Rapid-to-deploy clean hydrogen production, driven by combustion.
Ekona’s decarbonization solution uses established energy infrastructure and leverages existing commercial technologies.
Using abundant, low-cost hydrocarbon resources in cleaner, better ways.
To meet established carbon-reduction targets, we need pragmatic, economic, and near-term solutions to meet growing global demand for hydrogen, decarbonized natural gas, and greenhouse gas reductions at the scale and timing necessary to combat climate change.
Ekona has developed a pragmatic, economic, near-term solution on the path to decarbonization.

Feedstock water not needed for H2 production.

Electricity not needed for xCaliber™ reactor operation.

CO2 sequestration not needed for GHG mitigation.
Ekona’s Value Proposition

Value prop assumptions:
- 300 TPD plant size
- Solid carbon sales: US$200/tonne
- Natural gas cost: US$3.00/GJ
- Electricity cost: US$70/MWh
- CO2 allocation to both products (hydrogen and carbon)
- Upstream emissions for natural gas and electricity according to Canadian projections for 2030
The xCaliber™ Reactor
What is methane pyrolysis?
Methane pyrolysis is a well-established technology for carbon manufacturing and an emerging solution for clean hydrogen production. In a pyrolysis reactor, methane (CH4) is heated to very high temperatures in the absence of oxygen until its chemical composition changes, and it splits into hydrogen (H2) and solid carbon (C). Sources of methane feedstock include conventional natural gas and renewable natural gas (biomethane) from biomass sources.
How does Ekona’s solution work?

Out of the lab and into the field.
In January 2024, Ekona announced its first industrial deployment for customer validation. The one-tonne-per-day clean hydrogen plant will deploy at ARC’s Gold Creek Natural Gas Plant in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Read more.